Friday, January 24, 2014

Parallel.For with a disposable class

A post into the ozdotnet list in Feb 2013.

Chaps, I think I have found the formally correct way of giving each Parallel ForEach thread its own copy of a disposible and unsharable class. There is an overload of ForEach that lets you do something at the start and end of each worker thread. Below is a skeleton of my code. It's interesting to put trace displays in the 3 callback blocks and look at the lifetime of the threads and the order in which things happen.

The following skeleton sample code runs a parallel loop over an enumerable set of file names to calculate a hash of the recursive contents of all files under a folder. A small helper class lives for the duration of each worker thread. Each worker accumulates a subtotal hash which is later safely xor'd into the total hash with a safety lock.

The important thing about the parallel loop is that it has 3 callbacks. The first runs when a worker thread is created, and we simply return a new work data object. The second runs when a worker must process an item, and we hash a file and xor it into the work data sub-hash. The third runs when the worker is finished, and we safely xor the sub-hash into the total.

This pattern is very effective, as a "chunk" of work is done on each worker thread, then each chunk is added to the total. A lock only exists for a short time when each worker ends and adds its sub-hash to the total hash.

While the parallel loop is running, calling cts.Cancel() will asynchronously cause the loop to graciously cancel all threads and the ForEach will throw an OperationCancelledException that you can catch and report to the caller.

Remember that the Parallel.ForEach call blocks. In more realistic scenarios you would place the ForEach call inside a Task and await it, but I haven't bothered here because it clutters the sample code.

private sealed Class WorkData
  public HashAlgorithm Hasher = MD5.Create();
  public byte[] SubHash = new byte[16];
private byte[] totalHash = new byte[16];
var cts = new CancellationTokenSource();
var po = new ParallelOptions() { CancellationToken = cts.Token };
var filesource = SafeEnumerateFiles(@"C:\temp\testdata");
  Parallel.ForEach<string,WorkData>(filesource, po, () =>
    return new WorkData();
  (filename, pls, index, data) =>
    using (var stream = new FileStream(filename, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
      byte[] hash = data.Hasher.ComputeHash(stream);
      XorBuffer(data.SubHash, hash);
    return data;
  (data) =>
    lock (totalHash)
      XorBuffer(totalHash, data.SubHash);
  Trace("Total hash = {0}", BitConverter.ToString(totalHash));
catch (OperationCancelledException)
  Trace("The parallel loop was cancelled");

ftp.exe and passive mode

We discovered that a C++ app running in an Amazon instance could not communicate with the outside world to manipulate files via FTP. While trying to debug this terrible problem I used the built-in ftp.exe Windows app to try and simulate and solve the problem. I expected that the "vanilla" ftp program would be a good base-level way of testing the situation. It turns out that two wrongs had made an even worse wrong. I think I knew this years ago but forgot: ftp.exe does not support passive mode. By using a different FTP client such as Windows Explorer or FileZilla I found that FTP processing worked fine. It turns out that the C++ app needed to flip a property to use passive mode and it would work, and all the testing with ftp.exe was a dreadful waste of time because instead of testing the problem I was actually reproducing it. Part of the awful waste of time was sending PASV commands to ftp.exe, which seemed to be accepted, but actually did nothing.

Manage IIS with AppCmd.exe

If you get confused about the relationships between IIS virtual directories, applications and pools, use this command:


Voluminous help is available on the Getting Started page. Useful commands are:

appcmd list site
appcmd list app
appcmd list vdir
appcmd list apppool

The output from these commands can help you find orphaned directories and applications.

ROBOCOPY in post build

To see a copied file list only and accept non-fatal return codes do this:

robocopy source destination switches /NJS /NJH /NP /NDL
if %ERRORLEVEL% LEQ 7 exit /B 0